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Do you want more energy?

by | Sep 28, 2022 | Blog, General Lifestyle, Insights

I want more energy!

What does having more energy mean to you? It could mean a lot of different things to different people. For some it may be that they want to start eating better, for others it may mean that they want to get into a better sleeping routine. There are many ways of having more energy. Let’s back up a little and discuss what energy is, what we can do with it and how we can get more of it.

Energy is the opposite of lethargy. The Oxford dictionary describes energy as “the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.” What would you do if you had more energy? Another, very personal question. I have had clients who desired more energy so that they’re not tired when it’s time to play with their kids. Others wanted more energy to get more exercise in or even to start exercising. When we think about what we want, it is very important to reflect on why we want it. The “why” will be the driving force behind the motivation.

How can we get more energy? There are lots of ways of increasing our energy but not all work for every person, as we are so unique.

Here are a few ways to try, to get you started:

  • Replace simple carbs (white bread, white sugar etc.) with complex carbs (whole meal bread or pasta). There are a ton of alternatives out there. Make it a fun challenge.
  • Start moving – dancing, brisk walking, yoga, running or play a sport you enjoyed as a kid.
  • Get more sleep – I know it’s an obvious one but oh so crucial. Start going to bed 15 minutes earlier every week, increasing to 30 min the following week, until you get to one hour. Do that for a month and you will be getting one more hour of sleep.
  • Relax – take time to unwind. Sometimes that’s all we need to get going again. Sit and have a tea or read a book. Talk to a friend or go for a walk.
  • Take deep breaths – this is what delivers oxygen to our cells and nutrients to our bloodstream. You will feel an instant energy boost.

From the list above, think about what would work for you. How can you fit it into your daily life and start small? Don’t try to change everything at once as you will burn out and that’s the opposite of what we are trying to achieve. Ask a friend or family to be your accountability buddy or hire a coach.